PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE – A lecture at ARQ/DECÓ event


PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE - A lecture at ARQ/DECÓ event

We had the pleasure of being in the event arq/decó 2022 giving a lecture and enjoying the interesting presentations of other colleagues.

In our case we talked about PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, a talk in which taking as an example one of our latest projects, the Xapo Bank offices, we told the attendees how we work and approach a project from start to finish, since the client shows us the space, how we think, how we draw, how we present proposals, how we control the work and how we photograph the final space and even, in many cases, we go a little further, proposing improvements that the client had not contemplated at first.

We would like to thank ARQ/DECÓ-Ediciones Tu Reforma S.L.U. for inviting us to this fantastic event, also Pamesa Cerámica for hosting us in their impressive showroom and congratulate the rest of the speakers for sharing their magnificent works.

PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE - A lecture at ARQ/DECÓ event
PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE - A lecture at ARQ/DECÓ event

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