Product Design of a wide
range of everyday objects

From chairs to coffee cups, from electric kettles to sports medals.
Big to small. Everyday design with everlasting impact.

Transform everyday life by adding an innovative approach to the design of each product.

Discover the fascinating world of product design at Lagranja, where creativity and functionality go hand in hand to create everyday objects.

From chairs to electric kettles, coffee cups to sports medals, we redefine the way we interact by adding an innovative touch. We welcome you to a unique product design and development experience that leaves no one indifferent.Our goal is product design that goes far beyond the merely aesthetic. Not only do we create objects, we also fuse form with function in a way that optimizes everyday life. Every element, from furniture to everyday utensils, follows a clear vision: combine beauty with utility.

We focus on the constant search for new ideas and technologies in order to realize creations that take our clients’ breath away. Each project is a window to innovation and the creation of products that last over time.


We follow a meticulous design process from inspiration to product creation. We embrace the needs and desires of our clients before bringing any product to life. Every phase, from conceptualization to final production, is completely guided by the pursuit of excellence and perfection.

We do not create ephemeral items, our commitment to product design and development goes beyond that. We seek to create an eternal impact on people, creating objects with great durability, which are part of everyday life. Every chair, coffee mug, electric kettle or sports medal is a masterpiece destined to last in the minds and hearts of those who use them.

Lagranja’s product design philosophy is based on a constant and insatiable search for the perfect combination of form and function. In addition, our  team of design and product development experts is constantly challenging all that is conventional. We deliver quality and excellence at all times.

Join us on this exciting journey where innovation beats the pulse of the ordinary and transforms it into the extraordinary.