Who is lagranja?

We are a multidisciplinary Design Firm that Blends Creativity, Production Skills, Business Sense and Visual Marketing into Effective Design Projects.

[ Our tribe ]

Gerard Sanmartí

Co-founder & Partner of
Lagranja Design

Gabriele Schiavon

Co-founder & Partner of
Lagranja Design

Maria Ruiz Ulibarri

Head of Product Design & Art Director of
Lagranja Design

Tunga Baysal

Istanbul Managing Partner of
Lagranja Design

Deborah Er

Singapore Managing Partner of
Lagranja Design

Anna Mercader

Head of Interior Design of Lagranja Design

Ece Satibol

Senior Architect of
Lagranja Design

Sofia Sodaro

Architect of
Lagranja Design

Maria Tarruella

Architect of
Lagranja Design

Venia Koukou

Architect of
Lagranja Design

Anna Gallés

Product Designer of
Lagranja Design

Marilo Vila

Office Manager of
Lagranja Design

Strategic Partners

“We strive to deliver the best results and a pleasant experience for our clients. Our DNA is 50% creativity, 50% technical know-how, and 100% transparent.”

Gerard Sanmartí,
Co-founder & Creative Director of Lagranja Design

“Life is at the centre of all we do.
It pushes us to create, to travel, to share and to enjoy.”

Gabriele Schiavon,
Co-founder & Creative Director of Lagranja Design

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